- The build site, native
- Excavating a septic test hole
- Constructing a temporary road
- Construction access road
- Starting to work on the dig
- Making some progress
- The start of the deep cut
- Moving overburden
- Moving overburden
- Machines at work
- Going DOWN!
- A birds eye view
- Getting closer
- A view from the top
- The scale of this project was HUGE!
- It takes a team
- SO MUCH overburden
- Another bird’s eye view
- The dig site from the air
- Moving dirt
- Final grade, ready for forms
- Final grade, ready for forms
- Final grade, ready for forms
- Final grade, ready for forms
- Final grade, ready for forms
- Final grade, ready for forms
Project Description
Client: J. Plummer
Location: Victor, ID
Year Completed: 2022
The Challenges
A large and very complex dig with over 2500 cubic yards of excavation! This build was on an undeveloped lot. It required building a construction road and clearing the building site of hundreds of large trees. The build-site was on a heavily-sloped mountain, meaning the back side of the excavation was nearly 20-feet deep!