Contractors & ConstructionManagers Since 1989.
Hydroseed Prep
Before sod prep Before sod prep Before sod prep After sod prep After sod prep Project Description Client: D. Maddock Location: ...
Utility Ditching
Ditched 5′ deep for water & electric lines to feed private pond in “ranchette” subdivision outside of Driggs, ID. After electricians installed conduit, returned to site and padded pipe, backfilled, compacted and cleaned up.
Construct Pole Barn Pad in Lava
Customer wanted to erect a 40′ x 60′ pole barn. We discovered there was basalt/lava flow just under the topsoil, which required a large excavator with a hydraulic hammer. We excavated the pier/caission footprint and then backfilled with compacted roadbase. We completed the project by adding 6″ of compacted road base for the building pad.
Excavate Foundation for Indoor Pickle-Ball Court
Excavate a foundation for an indoor pickle-ball court. Backfill and compaction after concrete work.
Concrete Patio Extension
This customer wanted to extend the RV parking lot next to their house, and connect it into their large, outdoor patio. It involved excavating the lawn, managing rain-gutter runoff with a french drain, and prep & pour for a concrete pad.
Custom Home Foundation Excavation in the Mountains
A large and very complex dig with over 2500 cubic yards of excavation! This build was on an undeveloped lot. It required building a construction road and clearing the building site of hundreds of large trees. The build-site was on a heavily-sloped mountain, meaning the back side of the excavation was nearly 20-feet deep!
Excavate Foundation & Install Utilities
This customer contacted us to excavate the foundation for their new commercial (steel) building. We excavated and prepared the lot for the foundation. We also were contracted to hook-up sewer and water, as well as ditching and installing conduit for fiber and power.
Repair Lawn After Septic Failure
Customer had a septic system failure. Another contractor replaced the drainfield, but we were called in after that replacement left unstable/uneven ground. We stripped the old sod, leveled the ground and blended the new sod in. After the initial repairs, the customer asked me to lay sod over the decommissioned garden.
Excavation for Customer to Self-Install Septic
Customer wanted to self-install septic system. We excavated to his specs and allowed him to do his installation. Then, after inspection, we came back and backfilled with sand, then pit run. We compacted and restored grade.
The soil was incredibly rocky (Type C), so minimizing cave-in was very important.
Demolish Building, Remove Trees, Cleanout Ditch
Demolishing the old stone-foundation building Cleaning out and re-shaping ditches Cleaning growth from inside ditch and ditch banks Removing sucker-growth from ...